Éva Pollák
Counsellor Psychologist,
Couple's & Family therapist
There may be a period in anyone's life when one feels unable to control the events that toss him/her around while his/her frustrations keep growing and growing. Our anxiety often derives from the fact that we feel unable to face that which needs to be changed.
We fear disappointments, pain, failure and instead of acting, we choose to wait, hiding from our problems while they spin our lives out of our control.
​I offer psychological help to all those who are facing difficulties, feel stuck with a specific problem, suffer due to stress or simply feel an urge to grow and better their lives.
Individual Counselling, Couple's/Family therapy,
Anxiety, Crises situations, Fertility issues, Grief
Difficulties in adaptation (anger management, fear management, etc.)
Inhibition, integrity, conformity problems
Sleep-related problems (nightmares, difficulties falling asleep, sleepwalking, etc.)
Psychosomatic illnesses (gastric and digestion problems, headaches, allergies etc.)
Living with chronic illnesses (cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, etc.)
Depression or low-mood (lack of joy and energy, lethargy, suicidal thoughts, pre/postnatal depression)
Difficulties leading a balanced life (problems with decision makings, overcoming obstacles, lack of assertive communication, etc.)
Problems of self-evaluation (e.g. inferiority complex, excessive feelings of guilt, etc.)
Panic disorders (e.g. choking, hampered respiration, trembling, chest pain, fear of death, etc.)
Stress related problems
Stress management problems
Sexual problems (e.g. premature ejaculation, impotency, frigidity)
Phobias (e.g. excessive fear of social situations, crowds, heights, closed spaces etc.)
Obsession and compulsions (e.g. ticks, twitching, obsessive thoughts and/or acts)
Manager problems (workaholic, threat of heart attack or gastric ulcer, etc.)
"I believe that a different therapy must be constructed for each patient because each has a unique story."
Irvin D. Yalom
Difficulties of having children/infertility
Anxiety related problems (e.g. shortness of breath, nausea, fainting, chest pain, stomach cramps, etc.)
Eating problems and disorders ( e.g. lack of appetite, anorexia, bulimia )
Problems of performance (e.g. exam nerves, etc.)
Difficulties in understanding and overcoming losses ( e.g. grief, loss of health, loss or relationships etc.)
Change of carrer/lifestyle and related difficulties
Choosing a profession/carrer and related decision making problems
Crisis situations
For those seeking a better understanding of themselves:
Bettering one's self-appreciation
Creating a positive picture/plan for the future
Bettering one's self awareness(with the use of specific personality, or skill tests and their discussion)

Contact Me
The first consultation is dedicated to mapping the problems, difficulties that made you seek help; having learnt about them I will propose the possible ways of interventions and we will agree on the conditions of the therapy.
First interview:
Individual consultation (50 mins) - 24.000HUF (60 eur)
Couple/family therapy (75 mins) - 36.000HUF (90 eur)
Budapest, distr.12
Szarvas Gàbor ut 43
​Work hours: 8.00-16.00
Tel: +3670/516-42-38
email: evipoll@gmail.com